프리미엄 카츠 전문 정진:돈
'정진:돈'은 돼지고기, 돈까스에 정진하겠다는 의미입니다. 돈까스집 사장님이 가진 돼지에 대한 집요함을 담은 '정진:돈'의 로고와 메뉴판을 디자인했습니다.
디자인. 임지예
Premium Katsu Professional Jeongjin:don
'Jeongjin:don' means to devote oneself to pork and pork cutlet. I designed the logo and menu of 'Jeongjin:don', which contains the persistence of the pork cutlet owner.
Design. Jee-ye Lim
'Jeongjin:don' means to devote oneself to pork and pork cutlet. I designed the logo and menu of 'Jeongjin:don', which contains the persistence of the pork cutlet owner.
Design. Jee-ye Lim